The Simone
Discover the perfect mix of red roses, inspired by our favourite songstress. The Simone is bursting with vivid colours, bringing the very best of nature to your loved one or into your home. Featuring elegant Naomi roses, seasonal anemones and a mix of chrysanthemums, each stem has been hand-chosen by our talented florists to ensure your Simone bouquet reaches you in full bloom. Rosemary gives this Valentine's arrangement a fresh and subtle scent. From small to deluxe and hand-tied or in a vase, the Simone is a lovely romantic gift.
Please note that for any vase arrangements, whilst every effort will be made to match the vases pictured, due to availability the styles may vary
Each Pulbrook and Gould bouquet is a masterpiece, meticulously designed and hand-crafted in our dedicated London workshop. We choose the finest flowers from trusted growers, ensuring the highest quality. Whilst we make every effort to source the exact ingredients, occasionally it may be necessary for our florists to substitute with a similar vase or stem.
Your bouquet will arrive in eco-friendly, recyclable gift packaging with care instructions for maintaining its lasting beauty. Our dedication to excellence extends from the artistic arrangement to sustainable packaging, providing you with an exceptional floral experience.
Each Pulbrook and Gould bouquet is a masterpiece, meticulously designed and hand-crafted in our dedicated London workshop. We choose the finest flowers from trusted growers, ensuring the highest quality. Whilst we make every effort to source the exact ingredients, occasionally it may be necessary for our florists to substitute with a similar vase or stem.
Your bouquet will arrive in eco-friendly, recyclable gift packaging with care instructions for maintaining its lasting beauty. Our dedication to excellence extends from the artistic arrangement to sustainable packaging, providing you with an exceptional floral experience.
The size of each bouquet varies, and we have provided an approximate size for each below:
- Small: Approx. 20-25cm
- Medium: Approx. 30-35cm
- Large: Approx. 40-50cm
- Deluxe: Approx. 50cm and Upwards
Please note that the price difference in each bouquet is not necessarily relative to size but more to the amount of flowers used.
The size of each bouquet varies, and we have provided an approximate size for each below:
- Small: Approx. 20-25cm
- Medium: Approx. 30-35cm
- Large: Approx. 40-50cm
- Deluxe: Approx. 50cm and Upwards
Please note that the price difference in each bouquet is not necessarily relative to size but more to the amount of flowers used.
To ensure you fully enjoy the beauty of your flowers, we've crafted a comprehensive care guide filled with valuable tips and intriguing insights. Explore our floral care instructions here to keep your arrangement vibrant and long-lasting. Click Here
To ensure you fully enjoy the beauty of your flowers, we've crafted a comprehensive care guide filled with valuable tips and intriguing insights. Explore our floral care instructions here to keep your arrangement vibrant and long-lasting. Click Here